If you’re trying to find your ideal MILF, you really have to be very precise. You can’t just use a shotgun approach and expect to come up with the right woman. I’m sure it happens from time to time, but really, expecting to get lucky is not much of a strategy. In fact, you’re just wasting your time if you hope that somehow, some way, you would get some sort of fortunate result that happened to somebody you did not know.
Again, hoping to get lucky is not much of a strategy. You have to take laser focused shots. In other words, you have to be as precise as possible. Precision is the name of the game when it comes to finding your MILF. How do you do this? Well, first of all, you have to invest your time, effort and energy on the right websites.
These websites must focus on delivering MILF pussy. In other words, they’re all about MILFs. Look at the women there, they meet the classic definition of MILFs. There’s no bullshitting around. These are the right age, these have the right attitude, and they are down for action. In other words, you’re in the right place.
The second point of precision is the messaging system. You have to send out a ton of messages just to get a small number of women to message you back. In other words, you’re playing the numbers game. If you don’t play the numbers game, nothing is going to happen because, chances are, the vast majority of the women you message will not message you back. That’s just the way it goes.
I know you’re probably crying about it, I know you wished it was completely different, but this is the way it is. You just have to deal with reality as it exists. Accordingly, you have to change your behavior. You have to send out tons of messages with the expectation that only a tiny portion will message back. It’s all a game of percentage.
So, assuming that you have a response rate of 10% and you want to hook up with maybe 10 women, you need to send out a thousand messages to possibly get a hundred responses back, and then of that hundred, maybe get 10 who are down for action. Do you see how this works? Be a little bit more precise and you increase the likelihood that you will not only find your MILF, but bang her successfully. And why not try it here?